Freddi's Fruit Cocktail Mix
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
Title: Freddi's Fruit Cocktail Mix
Categories: Master mix
Servings: 1
4 c Sugar 2 qt Water
1 cn Frozen Orange Juice * 1 cn Frozen Lemonade *
1 ea Watermelon, Cut Into Balls 2 ea Canateloupes,Cut into
2 ea Crenshaw Melons, Chunked 3 lb Green Grapes
3 lb Peaches, Cut into Chunks 1 lb Blueberries, Fresh Or
* Both cans of frozen drink should be 6 oz concentrates.
In a large saucepan bring sugar and water to a boil, stirring constantly.
Stir in frozen Orange and lemonade concentrates. In a large bowl combine
all of the fruits. Mix until well distributed. Put mixted fruit in twelve
1-pint containers leaving 1/2-inch space at top. Pour hot juice syrup
over top. Seal and label as Freddi's Fruit Coctail Mix. Freeze and use
within 6 to 8 months.
Makes about 12 pints of mix.
Freddi's Fruit Coctail: Partially thaw 1 pint of FREDDI'S FRUIT COCTAIL
mix. Spoon into fruit cups. Pour ginger ale over top, if desired. Makes
Makes 4 servings
