French Dressing Mix
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
Title: French Dressing Mix
Categories: Master mix
Servings: 1
1/4 c Sugar 1 1/2 t Paprika
1 t Dry Mustard 1 1/2 t Salt
1/8 t Onion Powder
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl; stir until well blended. Put
mixture in a foil packet or 1-pint glass jar and label as French Dressing
Mix. Stor in a cool, dry place and use within 6 months.
Makes enough mix (5 Tablespoons) for 1 1/4 cups of French Dressing.
VARIATION: Sweet Italian Dressing: Increase sugar to 1/2 cup.
Substitute 1 T celery seed for paprika.
French Dressing: Combine 1 pkt of mix, 3/4 cup vegetable oil, and 1/4 cup
vinegar in a glass jar. Shake until well blended. Chill before serving.
Makes about 1 1/4 cups of French Dressing.
