Hot Chocolate Mix
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
Title: Hot Chocolate Mix
Categories: Master mix
Servings: 1
1 pk Instant Nonfat Dry Milk * 1 ea Jar Powdered Creamer **
2 c Powdered Sugar 1 cn Instant Chocolate
Drink ***
* The package of Nonfat milk should 25.6 oz (10 2/3 cups).
** The jar of powdered Non-Dairy Creamer should be a 6 oz jar.
*** The can of Instant Chocolate Drink Mix should be 16 oz.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and blend well. Put in a large
airtight container and label as Hot Chocolate Mix. Store in a cool dry
place and use within 6 months.
Makes about 17 cups of mix.
HOT CHOCOLATE: Add 3 T HOT CHOCOLATE MIX to 1 cup hot water. Stir to
dissolve. Makes 1 serving.
