Hot Cocoa Powdered Mix
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Title: Hot Cocoa Powdered Mix
Categories: Beverages, Holiday, Mixes
Yield: 1 servings
-----------------FORMATTED BY JULIE LEWIS-----------------
1 20 oz. container non-dairy
-coffee creamer
1 2 pound package nestles
-quick choc. drink mix
1 c Powdered sugar
1 Bag miniature marshmallows
1 Pkg. nonfat powdered milk
-which yields 8-10 quarts
Mix all ingredients in a very large bowl and store in
air tight container. I mix mine in a Tupperware fix -
n - mix bowl and just store it in that. To serve, just
heat water on the stove or in a mug in the microwave.
Also, the marshmallows will dry out and become hard.
That's fine - afterall, the ones in the commercial
brands are hard as little rocks!!! Use as much as you
want to suit your own taste. When I first received
this recipe back in the early 80's someone had taken
the time to figure out that a serving of commercial
brand cocoa mix cost about 23 cents a serving while
this recipe costs about 7 cents. Also, GENERICS WORK
FINE in this recipe which will save you even more.