Pancake Mix
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Pancake Mix
Categories: Brunch, Breads
Yield: 1 Servings
12 c All-purpose flour
3/4 c Sugar
4 c Milk powder
2 tb Salt
3/4 c Baking powder
Mix together well the above ingredient and store the mixture in a tightly
sealed container.
To make pancakes, combine the following ingredients.
1 1/2 cups of the above mix 1 cup water 1 egg, beaten 2 Tbs salad oil
Variations: Buckwheat or whole wheat flour may be used as part of the
flour. Milk powder can be omitted if whole milk is used in place of the
water. This recipe is from the "Amish Cooking" cookbook. No "serving" size