Baked Rice With Green Chiles
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) v6.14 ------------------
Title: Baked Rice With Green Chiles
Categories: Mexican Rice Side dish Cheese
Servings: 8
3 c Rice; Cooked
1 c Dairy Sour Cream
1/2 c MontereyJack Cheese;Shredded
1/2 c Cheddar Cheese; Shredded
1 x Red Chiles; Ground, To Taste
8 oz Green Chiles; Chopped, *
* Use 2 4-oz cans of chopped green chiles which have been drained.
Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Mix all the ingredients in an ungreased
2-quart casserole. Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes, or until done.
