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Fish From Tipitapa (pescado A La Tipitapa)

---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

Categories: Fish
Yield: 4 servings

1 1/2 lb Sea bass, red snapper
1 x Or similar fish
1/2 c Onion, sliced
1/4 c Tomato, sliced
1/2 c Sweet red pepper, sliced thi
1 t Worchestershire sauce
1/2 t Sugar
1/2 c Water
1/4 c White table wine
2 t Corn oil
3 T Cornmeal
1/4 c Corn oil
1 Bay leaf

Bone fish. Cook the onion, tomato, sweet pepper, Worchestershire
sauce, sugar and water together over moderate heat for 10 minutes.
Add the wine, oil and bay leaf and cook for 5 minutes more. Set the
sauce aside and keep warm.
Toast the cornmeal in a dry skilllet for about 2 minutes, or until the
odor is released and the color changes.
Heat the oil in a skillet over moderate heat. Roll the fish liberally
in the cornmeal and fry in the oil until slightly crisp, about 5
minutes on each side. Turn the fish only once. Remove and drain on
paper towels for a moment.
Pour the warm sauce over the fish. Serve warm.
Source: False Tongues and Sunday Bread by Copeland Marks


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