Oven Broiled Fish
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Main dish, Fish
Yield: 4 servings
4 lb Bass (whole)
1 tb Salt
1 ts Pepper
6 sl Bacon
1 Onion (chopped)
1 c Apple (diced)
2 Lemon (thinly sliced)
1 Green pepper (chopped)
1 ts Garlic powder
1 ts Celery salt
1/4 c Butter
3/4 c Worcestershire sauce
2 tb Soy sauce
Clean fish. (Do not skin.) Remove head and empty cavity. Place 3 strips
bacon in bottom of shallow baking tin. Mix onion, apple, lemon and green
pepper. Layer 1/3 of mixture on bacon strips. Sprinkle both sides of fish
with salt and pepper and place fish on vegetable mixture. Put 1/3 mixture
in fish cavity and remaining 1/3 on top of fish. Place 3 strips bacon on
top of fish and vegetable bed. Melt butter in saucepan. Add worcestershire
and soy sauce. Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil. Baste fish
regulary. Do not turn. Bake until meat separates from bones. Bake at 375
degrees for approximately 1 hour. Serves 4 to 5.
NOTE: Serve hot.
SOURCE: Big Mama's Old Black Pot Typed for you by Nancy Coleman.