Fish Kabobs
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
Title: Fish Kabobs
Categories: Fish/sea
Yield: 6 servings
1 1/2 lb Bass / lean fish, cubed 16 Chunks pineapple
16 Mushroom caps 3 Onions, cut in chunks
2 Green peppers, cut in chunks 3 Firm tomatoes, cut in
1/4 c Vinegar 1/2 c Oil
1 ts Salt 1 Pinch Cayenne
1/4 ts Pepper 1/4 ts Powdered mustard
Combine ingredients to make marinade and shake well. Marinate fish for at
least 1 hour. Thread onto skewers alternating fish with fruit and
vegetables. Brush kebabs with remaining marinade. Place skewers on grill 4
inches above coals. Cook only until edges of fish begin to curl.