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Fish In Orange Juice

------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) v6.14 ------------------

Title: Fish In Orange Juice
Categories: Mexican Fish Fruits Main dish
Servings: 6

2 lb Frozen Fish Steaks; *
1/2 c Onion; Finely Chopped
2 ea Cloves Garlic; Minced
2 T Vegetable Oil
2 T Fresh Cilantro; Snipped
1 t Salt
1/8 t Pepper
1/2 c Orange Juice
1 T Lemon Juice
1 ea Egg; Large, Hard Cooked, **

* Use Halibut or other fish steaks.
** Cut the hard cooked egg into wedges after peeling.

Thaw the frozen fish steaks. Arrange the fish in a 12 X 7 1/2 X 2-inch
baking dish. In a small skillet cook the onion and the garlic until the
onion is tender but not brown. Stir in the cilantro, salt and pepper.
Spread the mixture over the fish. Combine the orange juice and lemon juice
and pour evenly over the fish. Bake, uncovered, in a 400 degree oven for
about 20 to 25 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.
Arrange egg wedges on top of the fish steaks; sprinkle with paprika and
garnish with orange slices, if desired.


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