Salisbury Steak Deluxe
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Beef, Main dish
Yield: 4 servings
1 cn (10 3/4 oz.) condensed cream
-mushroom soup, undiluted
1 tb Prepared mustard
2 ts Worcestershire sauce
1 ts Prepared horseradish
1 Egg
1/4 c Dry bread crumbs
1/4 c Finely chopped onion
1/2 ts Salt
1 1/2 lb Ground beef
1 2 Tbsp. oil
1/2 c Water
2 tb Chopped fresh parsley
In a bowl, combine the soup, mustard, Worcestershire
sauce and horseradish; blend well. Set aside. In
another bowl, lightly beat the egg. Add bread crumbs,
onion, salt, pepper and 1/4 cup of the soup mixture.
Add beef and mix well. Shape into six patties. In a
large skillet, brown the patties in oil; drain.
Combine remaining soup mixture with water; pour over
patties. Cover and cook over low heat for 10-15
minutes or until meat is done. Remove patties to a
serving platter; spoon sauce over meat. Sprinkle with
"This recipe is so good that I truly enjoy sharing it
with others. I've always like Salisbury steak, but I
had to search a long time to find a recipe this tasty.
It's handy, too, because it can be prepared ahead,
kept in the refrigerator and warmed up later." -
Denise Barteet
Serves: 6 From: "Reminisce" Magazine Posted by:
Debbie Carlson - Cooking Echo == Courtesy of Dale &
Gail Shipp, Columbia Md. ==