Tomato Beef
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) v6.15 ------------------
Title: Tomato Beef
Categories: Main dish Meats 999
Servings: 4
1/2 lb Flank Steak, thin slices 3 ea Tomatoes
2 ea Green Onions 1 ea Garlic clove (chopped)
2 T Oil
-------------------------------BEEF MARINADE-------------------------------
1 t Soy sauce, light 1 1/2 t Wine
1 1/2 t Water 1/2 t Oil
1/2 t Sesame oil 1/2 t Cornstarch
3 T Tomato ketchup 1 t Sugar
1/2 t Vinegar 1 pn Pepper and salt
1/2 t Cornstarch in 1 t water
Marinate beef slices for 30 minutes. Heat wok with 2 T oil and garlic for
30 seconds, add beef, cook for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, remove and drain oil.
Set aside. Heat wok, high, add tomato wedges and stir for 2 minutes, then
add sauce mixture. Thicken if too watery. Return beef and stir well and
serve hot.
Serve immediately.
