Glazed Pork Loin Roast
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) v6.14 ------------------
Title: Glazed Pork Loin Roast
Categories: Meats Main dish
Servings: 8
1 ea Fresh Pork Loin Roast * 1 ea Clove Garlic, Cut
into 1/4's
1 t Salt 1 T Orange Marmalade
1 t Prepared Mustard 1/2 t Dried Thyme Leaves
* Pork roast should be 2 to 2 1/2 lbs boneless roast.
Make 4 slits in fat on pork roast with tip of sharp knife, insert a piece
garlic in each slit. Sprinkle roast with salt. Mix marmalade, mustard and
thyme, spread on roast.
Place roast in 16 x 10-inch cooking bag. Close bag loosely with string
(leave hole the size of finger in closure). Place roast on microwve roast-
ing rack in oblong baking dish 12 x 7 12 x 2-inches.
Microwave on medium-low (30%) 30 minutes; turn roast over and turn dish
one-half turn. Microwave until roast is done (170 degrees F on meat
thermometer inserted in several different places in roast), 20 to 25
minutes. Let stand 10 minutes in bag in microwave. Serve with Meat Juices.
