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Oven-Roasted Pork 'n Vegetables

* Exported from MasterCook *


Recipe By :
Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Main dish Low-cal

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 1/2 lb Boneless pork tenderloin
- 2 to 3
1 lb Carrots,peeled,cut 2in pcs
2 lb 16-20 halved new potatoes
1 Medium onion, cut wedges
1 tb Olive oil
2 ts Dried rosemary leaves,crush
1 t Dried sage leaves,crushed
1/4 ts Pepper

Heat oven 450. Generously spray pan with non-stick cooking spray.
Place tenderloins in pan - insert meat thermometer thickest part of one.
Place vegetables around. Drizzle oil evenly over all. Sprinkle spices.
Bake uncovered 450 30-40 minutes until thermo 165 and vegetables are
tender. Stir vegetables occasionally. 8 servings

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