Pork Satay
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Appetizers, Meats, Fruits
Yield: 6 servings
1/2 lb Boneless Pork; Lean
2 T Soy Sauce
2 T Steak Sauce; Thick
10 ea Apricots; Dried
1/4 c Peanut Butter; Chunky/Smooth
1/2 t Salt
5 ea Hot Pepper Sauce; drops
Cut the pork into 3/4-inch cubes and combine with the soy sauce and steak
sauce. Cover and refrigerate for several hour, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, simmer the apricots in 3/4 c water for 5 minutes. Place the
apricots and their cooking liquid in a blender container or food
processor. Add peanut butter, salt, and hot pepper sauce. Cover and
process until smooth. Reheat when ready to serve. Thread the marinated
pork cubes on skewers. (If you use wooden skewers, soak them in water 2
hours before using.) Brush with remaining soy sauce mixture. Cook over
hot coals or under broiler for 6 to 8 minutes, turning often. Serve with
the warm apricot-peanut butter sauce for dipping.
Satay serves 2 when served as a main course. Double the meat portion of
the recipe for 4 people. If you like, serve kabobs of mushrooms along
with the pork. Thread small fres mushrooms on separate skewers, brush
with melted butter and grill or broil along with the pork.