Marinated Ginger Chicken
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
Title: Marinated Ginger Chicken
Categories: Main dish Poultry
Servings: 4
1 ea 2 1/2-3 lb Frying Chicken 1/2 c Lemon juice
1/2 c Vegtable oil 1/4 c Imported Soy Sauce
1 t Grated Ginger Root OR 1 T Ground ginger
1 t Onion Salt 1/4 t Garlic Powder
NOTE: When making this recipe, it tastes much better if you find sources
for the exact ingredients such as the ginger root and Imported soy
Sauce. They usually can be found in the local asian markets. Use
domestic soy sauce and ground ginger as last option.
Cut chicken in to serving parts if not already in that form.
Place chicken in shallow baking dish. In small bowl, combine remaining
ingredients; pour over chicken. Cover, refrigerate 4 hours or overnight,
turning occasionally. Grill or broil as desired, basting frequently with
marinade. Refrigerate leftovers
