Oven-Baked Buttermilk Chicken
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
Title: Oven-Baked Buttermilk Chicken
Categories: Poultry Main dish
Servings: 4
1 ea Env. Golden Onion Soup Mix 1 c Unbleached
All-purpose Flour
2 ea Large Eggs 1/2 c Buttermilk *
3 lb Chicken Cut into Serving Pcs 1/4 c Margarine or Butter,
* Substitution: Blend 1 1/2 t lemon juice with enough milk to equal 1/2
cup; let stand 5 minutes.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
Combine golden onion recipe soup mix with flour; set aside.
Beat eggs with buttermilk. Dip chicken pieces in buttermilk mixture, then
flour mixture, coating well. Place in large shallow baking pan, on rack,
and chill 30 minutes. Drizzle with butter, then bake 45 minutes or until
well done.
This is a great recipe for picnics or just eating on the patio.
