Roast Duck
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Title: Roast Duck
Categories: Burmese, Duck, Poultry
Yield: 4 servings
2 tb Worcestershire sauce
1 tb Starch,dissolved in 2Tb
2 tb Light Soy sauce
1 ts Sugar
1 3-4 lb Long Island Duck
Combine the first three ingredients, coat the duck and
let stand 2 hrs. Fill a steamer pan with water 1 1/2"
deep. Place duck on rack breast side up, reserving
marinade . Cover, bring water to boil and steam 30
min. Skim fat from steaming juice and reserve. Preheat
oven to 400 F. Transfer duck to a baking dish and
brush with reserved marinade. Roast uncovered 15 min.
Lower heat to 350 and roast a further 40 min. Remove
duck to a cutting board. Skim and discard fat from the
pan juices. In a small pan, combine reserved steaming
and roasting juices, bring to a simmer, add the starch
mix and cook, stirring, until thickened. Cut the
wings, legs and thighs at the joints, split the back
in half and the breast into quarters. Arrange pieces
on a platter and top with the gravy.