Stuffed Breast of Veal
Stuffed Breast of Veal No. 2309 Yields 6 Servings
1 8-10 Lb Breast of Veal With A 1 Cup Matzo Meal
Pocket Cut In It 2 Tart Apples, Cored &
2 Cups Onion, Sliced Diced
12 Cloves Garlic, Unpeeled 1/2 Cup Water
6 Carrots, Chopped 6 Tbls Parsley, Chopped
Coarsely - Salt
STUFFING: - Pepper
3 Cups Onions, Chopped
1/4 Cup Chicken Fat (Schmaltz)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare the stuffing first: Saute the onions slowly in the schmaltz until
tender and brown.
Add the matzo meal, apples, parsley, salt and pepper.
Mix thoroughly.
Add enough of the water to bind the stuffing.
Let the mixture cool before using (you should have 4 cups of stuffing for 6
Loosely stuff the pocket of the veal just before cooking.
Skewer the pocket closed.
Scatter the onions, garlic and carrots in a large, flameproof roasting pan.
Place the veal on top.
Rub with salt and pepper.
Add enough water to cover the vegetables but not the veal.
Cover the pan loosely with aluminum foil.
Roast 2 hours.
Remove the foil.
Cook for an additional hour.
The top should be crisp and brown.
Remove the veal to a cutting board.
Use a slotted spoon to transfer the vegetables to a sieve.
Skim as much fat as you can from the cooking liquid.
Press the vegetables through the sieve back into the roasting pan.
Cook over high heat, scraping the bottom of the pan to loosen bits stuck to
the bottom.
Place this sauce in a gravy boat to pass with the veal.
Slice the meat following the ribs.
Each portion should have a bone, stuffing and some of the crisp top.
Allow one rib per serving.
