Roast Chicken with Curried Honey Mustard Sauce
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Title: Roast Chicken with Curried Honey Mustard Sauce
Categories: Poultry, 1992 dccc, 3rd
Yield: 4 servings
4 ea Breasts, chicken, halves,
-- broiler/fryer, boned,
-- skinned
1 sm Onion, chopped
1/3 c Honey
1/3 c Mustard, spicy
1 tb Curry powder
2 lg Garlic, cloves, minced
In a small bowl, make the sauce by mixing together the onion,
honey, mustard, curry, and garlic.
Place the chicken, skin side up, in a single layer in a large
shallow baking pan. Pour sauce over the chicken and bake in a 350 F
oven, basting every 15 minutes, for about 1 hour or until the chicken
is fork tender.
Serve with rice.
Cook: Barbara Gulino, Maine
Source: "Chicken Cookery" - 1994 Delmarva Chicken Cooking
: Delmarva Poultry Industries, Inc.
: Georgetown, Delaware, 19947-9622