Grangers' Corn Bread
----- Recipe in Meal-Master v7 Importable Format
Title: Grangers' Corn Bread
Categories: Bread Osg1966
Servings: 1
1/2 c Lard
1/2 c Sugar; granulated
1 1/2 c Corn meal; yellow
1 1/2 c Flour
2 ea Eggs
1 ts Salt
1 ts Baking powder
1 ts Baking soda
1 c Sour or butter milk
Cream sugar and shortening, add eggs and beat smooth. Add dry
ingredients sifted together alternately with sour milk. Bake in layer
cake tins in oven about the same temperature as for layer cake and
same length of time.
Note: Time and temperature guesstimate, moderate oven 350 F. for
about 20 minutes or until done. Watch closely.
Source: Mrs. K. W. Dittmer, Harrison Grange, Henry County, OH
