Lindy's Famous Cheesecake
Lindy's Famous Cheesecake No. 1939 Yields 1 Cheesecake
CRUST: 1 3/4 Cups Sugar
1 Cup All Purpose Flour, 3 Tbls Flour
Sifted 1 1/2 tsp Lemon Peel, Grated
1/4 Cup Sugar 1 1/2 tsp Orange Peel, Grated
1 tsp Lemon Peel, Grated 1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract 5 Eggs
1 Egg Yolk 2 Egg Yolks
1/4 Cup Butter, Softened 1/4 Cup Heavy Cream
40 oz Soft Cream Cheese
Make the crust first: Combine the flour, sugar, lemon peel and vanilla in a
medium bowl.
Make a well in the center.
Add the egg yolk and butter.
Use your finger tips to mix until a dough forms and cleans the sides of the
Form the dough into a ball.
Wrap in wax paper.
Refrigerate for 1 hour or more.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Grease the sides and bottom of a 9" springform pan.
Remove the side from the pan.
Roll 1/3 of the dough on the bottom of the springform pan.
Trim the edge of the dough to fit the pan.
Bake until golden (8-10 minutes).
Divide the rest of the dough into 3 parts.
Roll each part into a strip 2 1/2" wide and about 10" long.
Put the springform pan together with the baked crust on the bottom.
Fit the 3 dough strips to the side of the pan, joining the ends inside to
completely line the inside of the pan.
Trim the dough so that it only comes 3/4 of the way up the side of the pan.
Refrigerate the dough lined pan until you are ready to fill it.
Increase the oven temperature to 500 degrees.
Prepare the filling: Use the large bowl of an electric mixer to combine the
cheese, sugar, flour, lemon and orange peels and vanilla extract.
Beat at high speed just until blended.
Beat the eggs and egg yolks in one at a time.
Add the cream.
Beat until just well combined.
Pour the mixture into the springform pan.
Bake 10 minutes.
Reduce the oven temperature to 250 degrees.
Bake 1 hour longer.
Cool in the pan on a wire rack.
Refrigerate at least 3 hours.
Loosen the pastry from the side of the pan with a spatula.
Remove the side of the springform pan.
Cut into wedges.
