Girl Scout Cookies
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Girl Scout Cookies
Categories: Cookies
Yield: 48 Servings
1 c Butter or margarine; softene
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
2 tb Milk
1 ts Vanilla extract
2 1/2 c All-purpose flour
2 ts Baking powder
Decorator's sugar; optional
Recipe by: TASTE OF HOME - FEB/MARCH 1996 In a mixing
bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time,
beating well after each addition. Add milk and
vanilla; beat until light and fluffy. Combine flour
and baking powder; gradually add to creamed mixture
and mix well. Chill at least 2 hours or overnight. On
a lightly floured surface, roll the dough to 1/4"
thickness. Cut with trefoil cookie cutter or cutter of
your choice. Place cookies on ungreased baking pans.
Sprinkle with sugar if desired. Bake at 350 degrees
for 8-10 minutes until lightly browned. Cool on wire