Mirliton El Casserole
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
Title: Mirliton El Casserole
Categories: Cajun, Ground beef, Casseroles, Beef
Yield: 4 servings
1/2 lb Ground beef 1 1/2 ts Salt
2 tb Vegetable oil 1/2 ts Black pepper
1/2 c Onion,chopped 2 tb Butter or margarine
1 tb Green bell pepper,chopped 1 tb Parsley,chopped
2 c Mirlitons,chopped(2 med) 1/4 c Bread crumbs
1. In skillet, brown meat in vegetable oil.
2. Add onion, bell pepper, mirlitons, salt and pepper; cook slowly until
well done (about 30 minutes).
3. Fill buttered casserole with mirliton mixture, mixing in parsley.
4. Top with bread crumbs and bake in preheated 350'F. oven 20 minutes.
NOTE: Squash may be substituted for mirlitons.