Cappuccino Cheesecake Squares
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Cappuccino Cheesecake Squares
Categories: Cookies, Cookies
Yield: 1 Recipe
1 1/2 Stick butter; softened
-(3/4 cup)
1/2 c Confectioners1 sugar
1 1/2 c All-purpose flour
2 pk Cream cheese; softened
-(8 oz ea)
2/3 c Sugar
2 lg Eggs
1 tb Instant coffee posder
1 tb Coffee liqueur or brewed
1 ts Vanilla extract
Chocolate coffe beans; opt'l
Heat oven to 350 degree F. Line a 13x9-inch baking pan with foil,
letting ends extend above pan.
Crust: Beat butter and confectioners' sugar in a medium bowl with an
electric mixer until blended. With mixer on low speed, gradually add flour.
Beat until blended. Press dough evenly over bottom of prepared pan. Bake 15
to 20 minutes until light golden. Remove pan to wire rack.
Filling: Beat cream cheese in a medium bowl with an electric mixer
until smooth. Add sugar and beat until blended. Beat in eggs one at a time
until smooth. Remove 1 1/2 cups to a small bowl. Mix coffee powder and
liqueur in a cup, let stand 5 minutes, then stir until coffee dissolves.
Add coffee mixture to one bowl of batter, stirring until blended. Stir
vanilla into other bowl.
Spoon tablespoonfuls cheesecake mixture over crust, alternating coffee
and vanilla-flavored. Run a thin knife through mixtures for a marbleized
Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until puffed around the edges and set. Cool
completely in pan on a wire rack.
Cover and refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Remove from pan by lifting
foil at ends to cutting board. With a sharp knive, cut into 1-inch squares.
Top each square with a chocolate coffee beans if desired. Source: Woman's
Day, November 1996. Formatted by Mary Wilson (BWVB02B).