Tamale casserole
1 chopped onion
2 seeded and chopped jalapeno peppers
1 can black beans (rinsed and drained) OR 1 1/4 cup home cooked black beans
1 can corn (rinsed and drained) OR 1 1/4 cup frozen corn kernels
3/4 cup corn meal
1 can stewed tomatoes OR 1 can chili tomatoes OR 2 chopped fresh tomatoes
1 1/4 cup skim milk
2 tsp chili powder
Grated non-fat cheese for topping (optional)
saute onion and jalapenos in water or broth
(you may want to substitute 1/4 cup green peppers if mild flavor is desired)
mix in rest of ingredients
sprinkle non-fat cheese on top or mix in to casserole
bake in a casserole for 30 minutes at 350 degrees until warmed through and
bubbly. This is better reheated the next day.
Recipe courtesy of Jodi Stein via Bonnie Stein. Modified to be VLF by me.
