Rice and Lentils
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
Title: Rice and Lentils
Categories: Diabetic, Vegetables, Rice, Vegetarian
Yield: 4 servings
1 md Onion, chopped 1/4 ts Ground Coriander
2 Garlic Cloves, minced 1/4 ts Ground Black Pepper
2 tb Vegetable Oil 1/4 ts Salt
1 ts Ground Turmeric 1 c Brown Rice, uncooked
1/2 ts Paprika 1 c Dried Lentils, sorted and
1/4 ts Ground Cloves -washed
1/4 ts Ground Cinnamon 4 c Water
Saute the onion and garlic in the oil in a large saucepan. Add the
spices and cook over low heat for 4 minutes. Add the rice and
lentils and stir to mix well. Pour in the water. Bring to a boil,
turn the heat to low and cook for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the rice
and lentils are tender.
One Serving = Calories: 232 Carbohydrates: 34 Protein: 10 Fat: 8
Sodium: 262 Potassium: 325 Cholesterol: 0
Exchange Value: 2 Bread Exchanges + 1 Lean Meat Exchange + 1 Fat
Source: Holiday Cookbook, American Diabetes Association, ISBN
0-13-024894-0, by Betty Wedman, M.S.,R.D.
Shared by: Norman R. Brown