Cherry Waldorf Gelatin
------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------
Title: Cherry Waldorf Gelatin
Categories: Salads Fruits
Servings: 8
2 c Boiling Water 6 oz (1 pk) Cerry Flavor
1 c Cold Water 1/4 c Lemon Juice
1 1/2 c Chopped Cored Apples 1 c Chopped Celery
1 c Chopped Walnuts Or Pecans 1 x Lettuce Leaves
1 x Garnishes*
* Garnishes to include Apple slices and/or celery leaves.
In medium bowl, pour boiling water over gelatin; stir until dissolved. Add
cold water and lemon juice; chill until partially set. Fold in apples,
celery and nuts. Pour into lightly oiled 6-cup mold or 9-inch square
baking pan. Chill until set, 4 to 6 hours or overnight. Unmold on lettuce
leaves and garnish as desired.
