Garlic Broccoli
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03
Categories: Vegetables, China, Update
Yield: 1 Servings
1 1/2 lb Broccoli
2 tb Sesame oil
1 1/2 tb Vegetable oil
1/2 ts Crushed red pepper
1 1/2 tb Minced garlic
1/4 c Soy sauce
1 tb Sugar
1 tb Lemon juice
Chop broccoli into 1-1/2 pieces, both the florets and
the peeled stems. Heat oils in a saucepan, add red
pepper. Remove from heat, let stand for 10 minutes,
then add garlic, soy, sugar and lemon juice, stir to
dissolve the sugar. Steam the broccoli until almost
tender. Cool under running water, toss with dressing
in a bowl and serve at room temperature or
chilled.Subj: Sesame Garlic Broccoli