Yummy Eggplant-Patlilya
----- Now You're Cooking! v4.20 [Meal-Master Export Format]
Title: Yummy Eggplant-Patlilya
Categories: vegetables
Yield: 1 serving
1 md eggplant, blanched; till
Plunge in ice water; to cool
peel & chop very finely
1/4 c olive oil in skillet; add
1 md onion; finely chopped
1/4 c chopped shallots
1 garlic; finely chopped
and the eggplant
Saute until quite dry; add:
1/4 c tomato paste
Stir to combine thoroughly.
Simmer the mixture until it is very thick
and almost sticking to the pan. Season to
taste with salt and freshly ground pepper,
a Tablespoon of sugar and 3 Tablespoons lemonjuice.
Cool and chill. Serve on greens with a garnish of the yolks and whites of
2 hardboiled eggs,
chopped separately, chopped onion, chopped
parsley, then drizzle olive oil over the top
and garnish with paper-thin lemon slices.
This is a delicious appetizer and a very good
spread for bread or crisp toast."
I served it on french bread without any garnishes and I picture it on focac
cia sprinkled with sesame seeds and parsley
or maybe a wee bit of lemon basil. And
I used my processor where appropriate.
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Contributor: DDMmom
Preparation Time: 0:00
