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Oven-Dried Tomatoes

---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01

Title: Oven-Dried Tomatoes
Categories: Vegetables
Yield: 1 servings

Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Tomatoes, preferably plum
Fresh herbs (optional):
-Thyme, rosemary, oregano,
-=OR=- garlic

PREHEAT OVEN TO 325F. Lightly oil a cookie sheet or baking pan with olive
oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Slice tomatoes (plum tomatoes work
best) crosswise into 1-inch slices. Pack tightly together on the pan;
ideally the tomatoes should fill the entire pan. Drizzle the tomatoes
lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with
fresh herbs if desired (use thyme, rosemary, oregano or garlic, alone or in
combination). Roast for 45 minutes to a hour. The tomatoes should be
shrivelled and dehydrated without burning. The flavor will get more intense
and rich the longer the tomatoes are left in the oven.



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