Orange Brandy Cordial
----- Now You're Cooking! v4.20 [Meal-Master Export Format]
Title: Orange Brandy Cordial
Categories: beverages
Yield: 1 serving
2 lg navel oranges
1 clove
2 c brandy
1 c sugar
1/4 c water
1 ts glycerin (found in
Thinly peel the oranges in long strips with a vegetable peeler, taking care
not to include any pith. Cut the strips into 1/4-inch segments. Put the
orange peels and the clove into a 1-quart mason jar, top with the brandy,
and seal. Shake the jar to mix and set it aside in a cool, dark place for 10
days. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve into a 4-cup glass measuring
cup and discard the solids. Rinse the sieve and the Mason jar thoroughly.
Fit the sieve with a damp coffee filter and strain the flavored brandy back
into the jar. Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan. heat for
about 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly, just to the boiling
point. Remove the pan from the heat and let the sugar syrup cool for 5
minutes. Add the sugar syrup and glycerin to the flavored brandy. Reseal the
Mason jar and shake it gently to blend. If you wish, transfer the liqueur to
a decanter. The Orange Brandy Cordial should be ready to drink in 2
or 3
days and has a shelf life of 2 to 3 months.
YIELD: 2 cups
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Contributor: Homemade in the Kitchen
Preparation Time: 0:00
