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Orange Dessert Wine

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

Title: Orange Dessert Wine
Categories: Wildgame, Beverages
Yield: 1 servings

5 ea Oranges, Louisiana Naval
2 ea Lemons
5 qt Wine, dry white
2 lb Sugar
4 c Brandy
1 ea Vanilla bean
1 ea Piece (1/2) orange rind, dry

Grate the skins of the oranges and lemons and reserve. Quarter the
fruit and place in a demi-john or other large container (crock or
glass). Pour in the wine, then add the grated skins, sugar, brandy,
vanilla bean and piece of dried orange rind. CLose off the jar and
store in a cool dark place for 40 days. Strain through cloth and
bottle. Serve chilled. Source: Leon Soniat, New Orleans
Times-Picayune, 28 Aug 1980 Recipe date: 08/28/80


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