Fat Free Fudge - Good
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Title: Fat Free Fudge - Good
Categories: Candies, Fat free, Www
Yield: 64 servings
3 c Sugar
2/3 c Cocoa - Hershey Low Fat
1 1/2 c Evaporated Skim Milk -
: Perfection
1/4 c Butter Buds=AE
1/2 ts Vanilla Extract
1/2 ts Almond Extract
Bring sugar, cocoa, and milk to full boil - constantly
stirring. Once reached - stop stirring - use candy
thermometer to reach soft ball stage - 234 F. Remove
from heat, sprinkle butter buds and extracts on top -
Don't Stir. Let temp. come down to 110 F. Beat
throughly till loses glossiness. Work quickly to
spread in a 8 or 9" pan. Cool and cut.
NOTES : Per Serving Calories - 45 Total Fat - .1g 2%CFF
Recipe By : www
From: "Linda Gordon" <lgordon@brunswickdate: Mon, 28
Oct 1996 21:17:58 +0000