Pot Stickers (huo Tip)
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Chinese, Pork, Appetizers
Yield: 1 servings
2 1/2 c Flour *
1 c Water *
2 oz Cabbage (1/2 cup cooked and
- chopped)
1/2 lb Lean ground pork
1 Green onion, chopped
1 ts Chopped ginger
1 tb Tientsin Preserved Vegetable
- rinsed and chopped
2 tb Oil
1 c Chicken stock
1/4 ts Salt
1/4 ts Sugar
1 ts Thin soy sauce
1 ts Oyster sauce
1 ts White wine
Dash of pepper
2 ts Cornstarch
2 ts Thin soy sauce
1 ts Hot spiced oil
1 ts White Vinegar
Combine flour and cold water in large mixing bowl.
Mix thoroughly to form dough. Cover with damp cloth;
let stand for 20 minutes. *
Cook cabbage 2 minutes in boiling water. Rinse in
cold water, and drain. Squeeze dry of all excess
moisture. Chop fine; set aside.
Place the ground pork, chopped green onion, chopped
ginger, and preserved vegetables together on chopping
board. Mix and chop with the clever for approximately
15 strokes.
Add "seasoning" and the cabbage to the pork mixture
and mix thoroughly.
After dough has set for 20 minutes, knead it for 1
minute and then form into 2 to 3 rolls, approximately
1-1/2 inch in diameter. Cut each roll of dough into
slice 1-1/2 inch thick.
With a small rolling pin, or heel of hand, flatten
each piece of dough into a thin patty, 3 inch in
diameter. Place 1/4 tablespoon of the pork mixture in
the center of each patty. Fold in half, and seal the
edges by pressing firmly together with your fingers.
(Help ready-made skins to seal by applying egg white
to the edges.)
Set each pot sticker with the straight edge on a
platter, pressing firmly so as to form a flat base.
Each pot sticker should be made to stand upright,
rather than allowed to rest flat on its side.
Heat frying pan and add 2 tablespoon oil. On medium
heat, pan-fry pot stickers. Cook on the base surface
only. Pan-fry 2 minutes, until the base side is
nicely browned.
Add 1 cup chicken stock to the pot stickers. Cover
and cook over medium heat for approximately 7 minutes,
until most of the chicken stock is absorbed. Remove
to platter.
Mix thin soy sauce, hot spiced oil, and white vinegar
to use as condiment for Pot Stickers.
* Pot sticker skins can be purchased at Chinese
SOURCE: Chopstick, Cleaver and Wok.
