Heavenly Chocolate Banana "creme" Log
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Ww, Desserts
Yield: 1 servings
-Marie Herman, DHHS67B
2 tb Part skim ricotta cheese
1/2 ts Confectioner's sugar
1/8 ts Vanilla extract
1/2 md Banana; peeled, cut
-lengthwise into 4
-equal slices
1/2 ts Chocolate syrup
1/2 ts Shredded coconut
In small bowl, combine cheese, sugar and vanilla, mixing well. Set 1
banana slice on a dessert plate; spread with 1/3 of the cheese
mixture, top with a banana slice, and spread with half of the
remaining cheese mixture. Repeat with remaining banana slices and
cheese mixture, ending with banana; spread with chocolate syrup and
sprinkle with coconut.
Each serving provides: 1/2 P, 1 FR, 25 opt. calories Per serving: 113
calories, 4 G protein, 3 G fat, 19 G carbohydrate, 88 mg. calcium, 43
mg. sodium, 10 mg. cholesterol. Source: WW Favorite Recipes Cookbook.
Formatted for MM by Joyce Burton, PDPP83A.