Rice & Beans
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Title: Rice & Beans
Categories: Loo, Chinese, Beans, Desserts
Yield: 4 or provide
3/4 c Mung beans
1/4 c Rice
6 tb Sugar
Soak beans in water for 5 hours. Get rid of green
skins, if any, that float to the surface; you might
encourage then to come off by rubbing the beans
between your hands; drain. Rinse rice three times in
water; drain. Put rice and beans in a pot. Add 4 c
water and bring to a boil for 1 minute; then lower the
heat, and let simmer for 1 hr. Add sugar to taste (the
6 T called for might not be enough for Western
tastes). Stir, ladle into soup bowls, and serve warm.
From: Michael Loo