Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
Categories: Cookies
Yield: 36 servings
1 3/4 c Flour
1/4 ts Baking soda
1 c Butter
1 ts Vanilla
1 c Granulated sugar
1/2 c Brown sugar; packed
1 Egg
1/3 c Unsweetened cocoa
2 tb Milk
1 c Chopped pecans or walnuts
6 oz Semisweet chocolate chips
Combine flour and baking soda, and set aside. Use an electric mixer to
cream butter. Add vanilla and sugars, and beat until fluffy. Beat in egg.
At low speed beat in cocoa, then milk. With a wooden spoon mix in dry
ingredients just until blended. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips. Drop by
rounded teaspoonfuls onto nonstick or foil-lined baking sheets. Bake at
350F for 12 to 13 minutes. Remove from oven and cool slightly before
removing from baking sheets.