Lo-Cal Crepes
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Title: Lo-Cal Crepes
Categories: Desserts, Diabetic
Yield: 36 Servings
2 Eggs
ds Salt
2 tb (30 mL) margarine (melted)
1 1/4 c (310 mL) flour
1 ts (5 mL) baking powder
1 3/4 c (440 mL) water
Place eggs in blender; whip to mix well. add salt,
melted margarine, flour, baking powder and water. whip
to blend thoroughly. (Should batter become too thick,
add a little extra water; stir to blend.) Cook in
crepe pan according to manufacturer's directions.
Exchange 1 crepe: 1/4 low-fat milk Calories 1 crepe: 24