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Mint Flower Ice Cream

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01

Title: Mint Flower Ice Cream
Categories: Ices, Desserts, Flowers, Herbs
Yield: 6 servings

1/2 c Caster sugar
3/8 c -Water
4 tb Mint leaves
- (less if desired)
1 ts Mint flowers
1/2 Lemon; juiced
1/2 pt Double cream; -OR-
1 1/4 c -Heavy cream
Green food colouring (opt.)

MMMMM------------------------TO DECORATE-----------------------------
Mint leaves and flowers

This is the perfect dessert for a summer's day. Use a combination of
spearmint, apple mint and eau-de-cologne mint for the best flavour.

Dissolve the sugar in the water, then boil for 3-4 minutes to make a
light syrup. Put in the mint leaves and flowers and liquidize until

Cool, then strain. Add the lemon juice and stir in the cream. Mix
well together, whisking gently. Add a drop or two of food colouring
if necessary.

Pour into an ice tray and freeze until mushy. Beat well, then freeze
until hard.

Serve in tall glasses, decorated with sprigs of mint leaves and lots
of fresh mint flowers.

Source: Cooking with Flowers, by Jenny Leggatt Typed for you by Karen


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