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Basil Roasted Walnut Cheesecake

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04

Categories: Appetizers
Yield: 12 Servings

3 c Unbleached flour
1 ts Salt
1 c Unsalted butter; cut up
1/3 c Water; ice cold

16 oz CIBO Goat Cheese (Basil
-Roasted Walnut)
8 oz Ricotta
1/2 c Butter
3 Eggs
1/3 c Unbleached flour
Salt & pepper to taste

CIBO Cheese is a goat cheese mixed with cream and other flavorings. I
bought it at an upscale grocery store, in the deli section.

Make the crust:

Lightly grease a 9-inch springform pan. Process flour, salt and butter
just until combined and crumbly in texture. Add water, 2 tablespoons
at a time. Do not overprocess. Press evenly into pan, up 1 1/2 inches
at the side. Allow to chill while making the filling.

Make the filling:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Combine CIBO goat cheese, ricotta, butter, eggs (adding one at a time,
processing well after each addition), flour, salt and pepper. Pour
filling into shell, bake until puffed and brown for 25-30 minutes.

Source: CIBO recipe sheet, September 1996


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