Goat Cheese, Bacon and Pine Nut Bites
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Goat Cheese, Bacon and Pine Nut Bites
Categories: Appetizers
Yield: 12 Bites
1/4 c (about 2 oz.) mild goat
1 Slice of bacon, cooked until
-crisp, drained
1 tb Minced scallion greens
1/2 c Pine nuts, toasted lightly
-and cooled
In a bowl mash together the goat cheese, the baon, and
the scallion greens Form level teaspoons of the
mixture into balls. (If the mixture is too soft to
form, chill it for 10 minutes.) Coat the balls with
the pine nuts, pressing the nuts into the mixture, and
chill them for 20 minutes. Makes about 12 bites, 2
servings. Typed by Cindy Hartlin Source: Gourmet's in
Short Order