Devilled Clams
Devilled Clams No. 2549 Yields 4 Servings
12 LARGE Quahog Clams Cored, Seeded & Minced
or 1 Tbls Onion, Minced Fine
25 smaller Clams 3 Tbls Dry White Wine
1/2 Cup Water 1/3 Cup Clam Juice (Cooking
3/4 Cup Dried Bread Crumbs Liquid)
- Salt 2 Tbls Parsley, Chopped
- Black Pepper, Ground 2 Tbls Butter
2 Slices Bacon 1 Tbls Parsley, Chopped
1 Clove Garlic, Minced
1 Tbls Green Bell Pepper,
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
Bring the water to a boil.
Steam the clams in the water until they open (about 5 minutes).
Reserve the liquid (see the ingredients).
Remove the clams from their shells (save the shells).
Chop the clams very finely.
Stir in the bread crumbs, salt and pepper.
Set aside.
Saute the bacon until it is crisp.
Set aside.
Saute the garlic, green pepper and onion in the bacon fat until the vegetables
are transparent.
Combine the vegetables with the clam mixture.
Stir in the wine and just enough clam juice to moisten.
Stir in the first measure of parsley.
Stuff the mixture into the clam shells.
Topped with the crumbled bacon and the second measure of parsley.
Dot lightly with butter.
Bake until warmed through (3-5 minutes).
Serve hot.
